Interact with Fetch: Dog Scene


Dog Scene form

Directions: Fill out each section as directed. Photos and maps are also welcome, but must be of sufficient resolution for high-quality printing. If you submit any images, please check with us first to discuss what you have:

*Required Fields

Submission Information

*Submitter's Name: *Submitter's Phone:
    (in case we need to contact you)
*Submitter's short bio:(for end credit) *Submitter's Email:
(for use by Fetch editors only, will not be published unless you request)


*Name of "Dog Scene": *Type of Scene:
*Location: 50 chars limit Include address if applicable, and directions.
Must be in Marin, Sonoma or Napa counties or w/in 10 miles of county line.
Distance: *Parking?
Water? *Restrooms:
Level of difficulty: Wheelchair accessible?
*On or off leash? *Other dogs:
100 char limit
Several words/phrases that sum up the plusses
100 char limit
Several words/phrases that sum up the minuses
*Paw Rating (3-5): Do not submit a Dog Scene that doesn't earn at least 3 out of 5 paws  
*Summary/Description: max.300 words Photos, maps? We will contact you about your photos/masps if we choose your Scene for publication