About Jon


Most people start with the career stuff. If you need that right away, click here. But you already know that Jon is an attorney, or else you would not be here. So let's start with a little bit about Jon and what he does for fun.

Jon lives for the outdoors. In the last year he guided a friend up Mount Hood, raced in a triathlon, landed a trophy trout on a fly, and smoked a 25lb king he landed himself from a boat. He also ran a class V rapid in his raft, but that did not turn out so well and someday the bad dreams might stop. He also almost took out the peleton in his first and only bike race. Life is never dull when on an adventure with Jon.

He is a native of the Pacific Northwest and can trace his optimism to a lifetime of cheering for the Mariners, Seahawks and Sonics. 2004 has been a tough year but things are looking up. Not your average eyes glazed over transfixed TV sports fan, Jon plays soccer and basketball in local Portland leagues. Although blessed with marginal soccer skills, he is too stubborn to join an over 30 team. But he plays harder than anyone and is in better shape than most.